Washington D.C. Radio Group

WTOP is the news leader in the Nation&/station/wtop/8217;s Capital. In Washington, that also makes us the community service leader, because a radio station can offer no greater service than to provide accurate news and information 24 hours a day. With commuter times leading the country, our WTOP &/station/wtop/8220;traffic every 10 minutes on the 8&/station/wtop/8217;s&/station/wtop/8221; is invaluable to listeners.

We are the news source for Washingtonians, whether it&/station/wtop/8217;s severe weather information, the latest on international developments, or useful, everyday information such as sports and business news.

In addition, we make it possible for any citizen to ask questions of elected officials and community leaders through our WTOP award-winning programs such as &/station/wtop/8220;Ask the Mayor,&/station/wtop/8221; &/station/wtop/8220;Ask the Governor,&/station/wtop/8221; and &/station/wtop/8220;Ask the Chief.&/station/wtop/8221; Our consumer advocacy program, &/station/wtop/8220;Call for Action,&/station/wtop/8221; offers opportunities for those who have been wronged to share their experiences and seek resolution.

In addition, we sponsor many community events each year &/station/wtop/8211; from the Marine Corps Marathon, to the Race for the Cure, to providing free flu shots and stroke screenings.

With these and many more WTOP outreach efforts, we serve the community more than 24 hours a day.